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Thursday, February 19, 2015


Brave was released on June 22, 2012, produced by Pixar Animation Studios, and distributed through Walt Disney Pictures. The original release date was June 15, 2012. Just as the release had been changed, the title of the movie was changed several times. The film can described as the following "The film departs from the traditional fairy tale storyline, neglecting the romance that has been associated with these stories." (disney.wikia.com). During the process of creating this film, staff members traveled to Scotland to gather research of their culture, Pixar animators created a variety of 350 brushes in Photoshop, and some of the animators actually participated in archery classes and learned about sword fighting. A sneak peek of the film was shown, letting viewers watch the first half an hour of the film, and there was positive feedback, giving confidence to producers that it will be a successful film. When the film was released in June 2012, it made a gross of $237,282,182 (imdb.com). The film expanded into the video game industry by creating an app, which is similar to Temple Run, entitled Temple Run: Brave. The film was then later available for purchase through DVD format, and downloading in November 13, 2012.
I enjoy watching this film, and I have purchased the DVD version of it. I really like how the staff members traveled to Scotland to learn about the Scottish culture because it definitely showed through the attire, accents, and settings of the film. Giving a preview of the film was a great choice because it gave an idea of how an audience will react to the film, whether that'd be positively or negatively.

Disney Wikia. (n.d.). Brave - DisneyWiki. Retrieved February 19, 2015, from http://disney.wikia.com/wiki/Brave
IMDb. (n.d.). Brave (2012) - IMDb. Retrieved from http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1217209/?ref_=nv_sr_2
IMDb. (n.d.). Brave poster. Retrieved from http://ia.media-imdb.com/images/M/MV5BMzgwODk3ODA1NF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwNjU3NjQ0Nw@@._V1_SX640_SY720_.jpg

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